Stains and spots can easily occur on floors, carpets, and even your furniture due to an accident. Ideally, you want to be very careful whenever you are walking around with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Of course, accidents do happen from time to time. Ultimately, you have a couple of options to avoid or fix the consequences of an accident. Either you create a policy of not eating any food while you are watching the TV, or you can call professionals to help you eliminate hard to remove stains from your carpet. We can be that “someone” for you, as we take pride in always meeting the needs of each customer.
Not all stains can easily be removed, especially if they have been sitting on the carpet for extended periods of time. Store-bought spot removal products can make things worse by permanently creating more stains into your carpet. However, we are equipped with the proper spotters and are trained in the latest techniques to remove any stubborn stains. The quicker we can get to the spot, the better the removal odds. We will evaluate all of the spots and stains you may have during the pre-inspection process. If there are any hard to eliminate stains in your carpeting, the technicians will point them out. If the spots or stains require special treatment beyond our carpet cleaning pre-spray solution, then there will be an additional charge. If we cannot remove the spot or stain, there will be no charge to you.
- Red wine
- Kool-Aid
- Mustard
- Ink
- Paint
- Gum
- Rust
- Coffee
- Nail polish
These are among the many types of spots and stains that we remove, and we are always happy to answer any of your questions about our carpet stain removal services.